Inherited IRA

Inherited IRAs – Bankruptcy Protection?

Just over 10 years ago, in June 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously, 9-0, that inherited IRAs are NOTprotected in bankruptcy under federal law. The primary issue before the Court was whether an inherited IRA is a “retirement account.” Considering the fact that “inherited IRA” is short for “inherited individual retirement arrangement,” this would seem like an odd question to debate.

So Many IRA Beneficiary Variables!

When an IRA owner dies, what is the payout schedule for the beneficiary? The key to distinguishing the correct program (i.e., 10-year rule, stretch RMDs, 5-year rule, etc.) is to identify all the important variables. But there are so many! Nevertheless, each detail must be considered. Every scenario requires that we navigate through a mental flow chart. The correct answer lies at the end of every beneficiary maze.

Inherited IRAs and the Once-Per-Year Rollover Rule: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question:I disclaimed one of my spouse's IRAs and it went to our two adult children. They are withdrawing RMDs from this account as well as contributing to their own Roth and IRA accounts. Are there any rules regarding whether the inherited required minimum distribution (RMD) must be taken prior to contributing to your own account?Jeanne

Final Regulations Allow Separate Accounting for Trusts

The recent final required minimum distribution (RMD) regulations include a new rule change that may be beneficial for IRA owners who name trusts as beneficiaries. In the new regulations, the IRS allows separate accounting for RMD purposes for more trusts. This can be helpful when a trust has beneficiaries who can potentially have different payout periods under the RMD rules.

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