Limited Partnership stock in a Roth?

Can I hold shares of a Limited Partnership that trades on the NYSE in my Roth? The company in question is ONEOK Inc., ticker OKS.

Thank you.

You can, however there is one potential downside which is the UBIT (Unrelated Business Income Tax). If your holding of MLPs or certain other investments results in over $1,000 of such income, your IRA must file a tax return and pay the UBIT. Your IRA custodian may handle this for you, but the tax still depletes your IRA balance.

Thank you for your reply. So, if the income generated is [i]less[/i] than $1000, there is no tax due, thus no return needs to be filed?

Right. Perhaps with some research you can find out how many shares would likely keep the amount under 1,000, if the UBIT has been a problem for this holding.

OK, good deal. Thank you again!

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