Any reason for executor *not* to seek credit report >deat

I’m an executor of a small estate and believe all accounts of the deceased have been closed with zero balances.

Should I still ask the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) for a credit report of the deceased? Is there any decent reason why not to? (Data aggregation/whatever.)

Also, any idea if they each (perhaps must, or just do) provide one report free to an executor or whether they charge for it? (Didn’t see anything addressing cost on the FTC Website.)


I do not know whether they must provide a free report, however if the required publishing of death has been done for your jurisdiction and you have paid all bills, you have done everything legally required. Were the required notices not posted?

Since many of these files have misinformation in them going back for some time, it seems this could really prolong and complicate the administration.

Thanks. The required publishing of the death was done properly and that period has passed.

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