retired parent income (from child) for Roth
In Ed’s book on Parlay your IRA, he mentioned a retired parent doing odd jobs for a child, who pays and the money is invested in a Roth IRA (with the child as a beneficiary). My wife and I are retired and living with our daughter, and the IRS rules would seem to categorize us as her employees if she dictated what work we did (with no need for SS or income tax withheld). But IRS contacts are not sure about this, and one said that because we are living with her and already getting room and board, that would be sufficient pay already. A financial planner suggested the IRS might be more likely to audit this. But we think if our daughter set up a detailed contract for us to follow in our work, and then we did that work, it would seem okay. What do you think?
Submitted by Steve Mosher on Thu, 2008-01-10 21:51