Inherited IRA into Annuity (tough question)

Individual inherits IRA thru a trust (actually, trust was beneficiary, attorney failed to disclaim within 9 months, title on IRA now reads “Joe and Sally Blow Rev. Trust Beneficiary IRA, Joe Blow IRA Mark Blow Trustee”–the “individual” beneficiary is 25 years old and RMDs will be based on his age).

The managed money custodian agreed to have the IRA set up in a manner where the RMD gets paid out to the trust and then the trust distributes the RMD money out to the “individual” beneficiary. All of the RMDs will be coming out of this managed money account.

My question is this–I want to put some of the inherited IRA money into an annuity but I am having a problem finding an annuity company that will do this with the trust being the beneficiary (even though RMDs will be based on age of 25 year old). Is there an annuity company out there that will do this? Is the annuitant technically the trust or the “individual”.

Any help would be appreciated.

Technically, the estate is the owner. Talk to one of the advanced sales people at the chosen carrier to get it done. Customer Service may not know it can be done.

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