IRA or current tax deduction

My husband and I are both retired public school teachers. I no longer have an earned income, but he has a modest one as a self employed musician. By the time we take all the deductions for his business, we usually have no taxable income for that business; therefore, we can no longer contribute to our IRA’s. We are in our mid 50’s. Would we be better off not using our business deductions so that we show a business income each year, which would be about $10,000 but we can then contribute to our IRA’s although we would have to pay social security and income tax on the full amount, or continue to show a loss or break even and reduce our income taxes each year?

Good question. You colud also keep your current tax situation & convert part of your traditional IRA to a Roth each year since you’re in the zero tax bracket. I am doing this for several of my current clients.
Instead of forking out $$ for Social Security taxes, etc. on a salary to have funds to put into a Roth, why not use that $$ pay the taxes on converted funds instead?

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