Profile or Preferences

I cannot find either of these two sections so I might change something! Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

It is right above your post, on the left hand side.

They removed the link to the section that allows you to change your profile.
You may want to send an e-mail to [email protected], and let him know what you want to have changed.

[quote=”denise@applebyconsultingi“]They removed the link to the section that allows you to change your profile.
You may want to send an e-mail to [email protected], and let him know what you want to have changed.[/quote]

Thanks Al and Denise. I already sent a message to Help and await a reply.Your quick responses are appreciated.

How do I reply without quoting? Thanks.

How do I reply without quoting? Thanks.[/quote]

Do not click the “quote button”.
Instead, click the “post reply” button at the top or bottom of your post 🙂

Okay-thanks again Denise.I see it! Sorry to be such a “newbie”!

That’s OK Vze. No worries .

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