Walmart 401k / Profit Sharing Plan rollover to IRA

I am working with a client who has a Walmart 401k / Profit Sharing Plan which they want to roll to an IRA…having just recently retired from Walmart. The plan has about $115K labeled as Profit Sharing invested 100% in Walmart stock. The client did not contribute any funds to this part…only to the 401k portion. She called to rollover the entire plan and Merrill Lynch is telling her that if she rolls the PSP portion (liquidating the stock and rolling the cash) that taxes will be immediately due on that part even though she is rolling it over. Before I call Merrill Lynch to get more details, has anyone run across this before or has any good thoughts? Thank you.

I think they are wrong. Why not just roll the stock to the IRA, then she can do whatever she wants? Also, find out what the cost basis in in the stock, for potential NUA transfer instead of an IRA.

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