Extended return and SEP contributions

Form 1040 is under valid extension until 10/15. I understand that the extension allows a deductible SEP contribution to be made as late as 10/15.

But what if the extended return is prepared and mailed (i) before 10/15 and (ii) before the contribution is made?

May the contribution still be made as late as 10/15, or does the act of mailing the return accelerate the contribution deadline? And, if so, is the contribution deadline now the date of mailing the return, or some other earlier date?

Please give cite(s) to authority on this. Thanks in advance.

I’ve found the answer to my question and am posting it for the benefit of persons searching this database in the future.

The answer is that the mailing of the return before the extended due date does not accelerate the contribution deadline.

The authority is Rev. Rul. 84-18, 1984-1 CB 88

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