RMD IRA and Indi 401K

I have an IRA and an Indi. 401k I am 77 years of age. My ind 401k
requires a RMD as well as the IRA. Since the 401k is still receiving
contributions it is in a portfolio of securities. The IRA is in a fixed
portfolio. Question, I do not want to take the RMD from the stocks for obvious reasons. Can I take the RMD all from my IRA’s? (adding the value
of both to come up with the RMD)

No, you cannot aggregate an IRA RMD with a qualified plan RMD. They must both be calculated and distributed separately from each account.

At 77 at year end, your RMD is still only 4.72% of the 12/31/07 balance, so that is not too bad. If you expect recovery in the market, you can wait until December to sell, if you don’t expect recovery sell now and to protect against further losses. Obviously, you would sell the winners, perhaps energy stocks if you have any.

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