Distribution options for an inherited beneficiary IRA.

Daughter inherits Mom’s IRA. Daughter opens conduit beneficiary IRA. Daughter dies before age 59.5. Sister inherits bene IRA. What are the Sister’s distribution or rollover options?

[quote=”[email protected]“]Daughter inherits Mom’s IRA. Daughter opens conduit beneficiary IRA. Daughter dies before age 59.5. Sister inherits bene IRA. What are the Sister’s distribution or rollover options?[/quote]

The sister would have no rollover options, as that is only an option available to spouse beneficiaries. If the sister wishes to move the beneficiary IRA to another financial institution she would have to complete an IRA to IRA transfer.

Being that the sister was a contingent beneficiary named by either the mother or by the daughter after the mother passed, she would basically be stepping into the role of beneficiary of the mother’s IRA. The age of the daughter at passing has no bearing on the beneficiary options of the sister, however you did not mention if the mother died before her Required Beginning Date or after.

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