2009 Roth Conversion/RMD first?

I want to make a partial conversion of my 403b fund to a Roth. Normally a RMD must be taken first. With the RMD suspension in place for 2009, what is the IRS regulation?

Since the RMD is suspended for 2009, you can convert the first dollars out of the 403b to a Roth IRA. This can be done using either a direct Roth conversion or doing a direct rollover to a TIRA and then converting from the TIRA.

2009 is the last year that the 100,000 modified AGI limit applies to the above conversion methods.

Note: If 2008 was your first distribution year and you deferred it to 2009, then you must take out that 2008 RMD prior to converting any additional amount, and also prior to 4/1/09.

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