Checkbook IRA

Are self-directed IRA’s allowed to be invested into single member LLC’s whereby the managing member is the IRA owner (i.e. is a self-directed IRA with check-book control allowable under current IRS code)?

If the IRA “invested” in a single member LLC, it would no longer be a single member LLC.

If the IRA owner (or a relative of the owner) manages real property owned by the IRA – that could be a prohibited transaction which may disqualify the IRA. If the IRA owner benefits in any way from an investment of the IRA, that could be a prohibited transaction.

You also would need an IRA custodian that would allow such an investment – you can’t be your own custodian.

So the answer is – the IRA could invest in the LLC but it would likely disqualify the IRA and make the entire balance taxable.

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