ADP value for 2010

My inquiry relates to the WRERA option for not taking an MRD from my IRA
in 2009. Comes 2010 and I must calculate the MRD, what ADP do I use?
As the IRA owner do I follow the Uniform Lifetime Table III for my age in 2010
to obtain that ADP value—or has the situation been created by the gnomes in
the IRS such that I will forever obtain the ADP from Table III by using the value
from the year preceeding my correct age?
For example: in 2009 at my age of 80 the ADP is18.7;
in 2010 at age 81 the ADP is 17.9; however,from omitting the
2009 MRD, would it be that I could use 18.7 for the 2010 ADP
and 17.9 for 2010 ect,ect??— if so, nice tax perk.

No, the RMD divisor is not permanently changed. For your 2010 RMD, you will have to divide the 12/31/2009 account value by 17.9. In effect, you will never use the 18.7 divisor.

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