OT – Life Estate Calculation


I’m trying to calculate the value of a widow’s dower rights in an estate. (Yes, in Michigan we still have DOWER!).

Basically, the property value subject to Dower is about 75,000. The widow was 79 years old in January 2009, when hubby died. The section 7520 rate was 2.4% in January and the Table S (Life Estate) factor for 2.4% and 79 years old is .18259.

Is the calculation as simple as taking the FMV ($75,000) X the Factor for a life estate (.18259) (Dower in Michigan = life estate in 1/3 of lands husband seized…..etc) to yield a value of the life estate at approximately $13,694.

Am I missing something here? I don’t really care about the remainder interest, do I?

Thanks in advance for any guidance.


Robert J. Gilbreath
Attorney and Counselor at Law

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