Affect on Legacy of Life Insurance Annuity

Here’s the scenario:
• Dormant life insurance with cash value of $117k which could buy a $7k/yr annuity
• RIRA and TIRA with combined values of $1,500k
• Withdrawals of $50k per year from IRAs for living expenses
• Analyses show this will produce an expected legacy to the will/trusts of $1,000k.

Option 1:
Keep the life insurance with death benefit of $180k and allow this to transfer to will/trusts at death.

Option 2:
Buy an annuity with the life insurance and reduce monthly withdrawals from IRAs. This would allow a greater IRA legacy to the will/trusts but a reduced (zero) legacy from life insurance.

Is one option preferred over the other? Why?

Thanks, James

The LI death benefit would be income-tax free, in most all cases.

Would you advise to keep the LI unless it becomes needed for income and just take more out of the IRAs?


That would br my take, in that life insurance is a more favorable asset to die with than are IRAs and annuities, purely tax-wise.

Thanks. I appreciate your input. James

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