401(K) Rollover to one IRA Then Slipt to Two IRAs

I have a client who just rolled over a 401(k) to one IRA. He wants to split this one IRA into two IRAs, say IRA A and IRA B. Does he have to wait for 12 months before he can do another trustee-to-trustee transfer without violating the IRA transfer rule?

Please advise.

Thank you in advance for your help.

No, he does not have to wait. The rollover FROM the 401k to an IRA does not count because the distribution did not come FROM an IRA.

He could create IRA B by indirect rollover if he wants to, but then he would have to wait 12 months before doing another indirect rollover from either A or B. But if he creates IRA B by a direct trustee transfer, then he will not have used the one allowed rollover and would still have an indirect rollover available from either A or B to use if he needed to.

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