IRA Assets Owned By Disabled Person

A new client of mine has a fifty year old single disabled brother (mentally challenged). The only asset the brother owns of any substance is $150,000.00 in a traditional IRA. My clent is concerned about the brother owning these assets and being ineligible for public assistance should the need arise. One thought that came to mind was to distribute the IRA assets to the brother, pay the income tax (assuming penalty tax can be avoided because of disability) and then have the brother gift what is remaining back to family members who support him. The question being posed is there any alternative to the IRA distribution so that the dependent brother would be eligible for public assistance should the need arise – sort of have your cake and eat it too.

Any thoughts or comments on this. Thanks !!!

Depending on State laws, generally there is a 5-year lookback on gifts before qualifying for State aid. Don’t know of any other methods. It is probably best to talk to a local Elder Law attorney.

Might also check with attorney if a d(4)a trust (self settled trust) can be used in this situation.

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