Sep IRA while employed at age 70-1/2

If someone has a Sep IRA and is still employed at age 70-1/2, does the Sep owner need to begin RMD’s, or can RMD’s be deferred until the owner is no longer employed?

A SEP IRA is like a regular IRA. YES, RMD rules are required in the year owner turns age 70 1/2.


If Traditional IRA rules apply to a Sep, does that also mean that a Sep owner can no longer contribute to the Sep beginning with the year the Sep owner reaches age 70-1/2, even if the Sep owner is still working?

Only the so called “employer” contributions (the ones made as part of the business) can still be made after 70 1/2. They are even segregated on the 5498 to show the different type of contribution.


Fortunately for people still working after age 70-1/2 an age discrimination law allows contributions to a retirement plan. As more and more people are planning to work past the traditional retirement ages – this will help.

The good thing is that you can put away 20-25% (depending on whether you’re incorporated) of earnings while taking out only 4-5% from the SEP.

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