IRA Charitable Distribution for 2010

It looks like the provision concerning charitable distributions from IRAs was removed from HR4213 as it was passed and signed by the President. Can anyone tell me if there is a bill out there now that contains language to allow tax-free charitable distributions from IRAs for 2010? I would like to track this.

Thank you.

There were two other bills introduced in 2009 to extend the QCD, but the best chance may have been the extenders bill that apparently morphed into the UC extension. We may have reached the point at which the chance for QCD extension is now dwindling on a daily basis, due to budget and deficit concerns and also due to the sheer volume of critical tax legislation that needs to be addressed ASAP. Most of this activity will be pushed back to after the election.

But there is still a decent chance for the extension if the charitable lobbyists keep the pressure on.

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