Lump Sum or distributions based on life expectancy?

My clients has been advised to convert her traditional IRA to a Roth IRA over 6 years. Let’s assume she dies after 10 years. Are her children (beneficiaries) able to take the IRA in a lump sum tax free? And I assume that any earnings or gains are aslo tax free? Or is it mandatory that they take distributions over their lifetimes or based on their life expectancy?

After the 5 years the whole account is tax-free. The benes must take out RMDs under the LE rule, even though they owe no taxes on the distributions. Assuming these are children, the account can continue to grow tax-free until the RMDs deplete the account – could be 20-30 years depending on the ages.


Thanks PKO- so therefore a lump sum is NOT allowed by the IRS on the inherited ROTH?

Yes it is. I was just giving you the slowest (minimum) payout requirement. The benes can take out all of it anytime.


PKO- Thank you very much!

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