IRA Escheatment
There are people that i work with who want to escheat an IRA to the state before the 5 years. The owner died in 2007 with no beneficiaries. My question is, if property is escheated to the state before the 5 years and a representative of the estate happens to come along ( i know not likely after such a long time) or a family member who may be a default beneficiary under the plan to collect the money, is there any liability on the part of the financial institution? I don’t know if it matters but i am in Florida.
Thanks for any guidance on this issue
Permalink Submitted by Alan Spross on Fri, 2011-04-22 22:18
If FL statutes require custodians to hold the funds for 5 years and the custodian violates state law, there could be recourse against the custodian. If the custodian acted properly in accord with FL law, then there is no recourse and any estate beneficiaries would have to go through the FL unclaimed property procedures to establish their legal right to the funds.