RMD responsibiity of spouse of deceased

A husband passed away in December 2010. The surviving spouse did not rollover the IRA to her IRA until February 2011 and therefore her 12/31/2010 balance for determining her RMD did not include his IRA amount. In addition, the deceased husband would not have turned 70 1/2 until March 2011 (surviving spouse is already 70 1/2 and took first RMD in 2010).

How should she pay RMD? Just on her 12/31/2010 IRA balance and can leave off the rolled over RMD until 2012? Or does she have to includ ethe deceased’s IRA amount in her 2011 calculation?

The deceased husband had not reached his required beginning date (April 1 after attaining age 70-1/2) before his death so no RMD is required for him. The survivor will use the combined balance to determine 2012 RMDs but 2011 is based on her 12/31/11 value alone.

I think Mary Kay meant to say the 2011 RMD is based on her 12/31/TEN value alone….

Thank you both. Have a nice day.

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