ROTH recharacterization and Form 8606

I am in the process of amending my 2010 tax filing for a partial recharacterization I performed in 2011.

I am confused as to what to put in for Form 8606 Line 6 for the total amount of all IRAs as of 12/31/10. Do I put in (a) the original amount when it was converted from a TIRA to a ROTH IRA on 05/01/10, (b) the amount of the ROTH account as of 12/31/10 or (c) the amount of the ROTH when it was recharacterized on 09/30/11? I’ve searched everywhere and can’t really find the answer — I would suspect option (c) but am not certain and would appreciate some help.


See Alan’s response to a similar question on October 14.

Thank you for the reference — this answers my question. I couldn’t find it via the search function.


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