403B Question

We have a client who passed away in 2011, he was over 70 ½ at that point and receiving distributions.

It is a 403B account and the beneficiary is wanting to take the lump sum, open an new IRA and invest the assets (within the 60 day timeframe). Will this result in a taxable event?

The advisor is questioning this and we can’t get a straight answer from any of the carriers/CPAs we work with.

Any help would be much appreciated!

There is no 60 day time frame here because any distribution cannot be rolled over. Beneficiary will need to request a direct rollover to an inherited TIRA or inherited Roth IRA. A direct rollover will not be taxable unless it goes to an inherited Roth IRA. However, since the direct rollover was not completed by 12/31/2012, the RMDs from the inherited IRA will have to adhere to the RMD provisions of the 403b plan for participants who pass after the required beginning date.

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