Roth Conversion – Many moving parts

$5000 Traditional IRA (all aftertax dollars)
$2800 SEP IRA – active sole proprietor (separate from gov’t job)
$70,000 Traditional IRA (all pretax)
$150,000 457(b)- active employee

Step 1: Client transfers their $70,000 Traditional IRA (all pretax)to their 457(b)and it is coded as a rollover.

Step 2: Client transfers active SEP IRA balance into 457(b)also coded as a rollvoer – Is that allowed if the SEP is actively making annual contributions?

Assuming Step 2 is allowed…

Step 3: Client converts $5,000 Traditional IRA (all aftertax dollars) to Roth IRA is the “denominator balance” for the conversion on the day of the conversion or on 12/31/xx?

Pleas advise what I might be missing?


Steps 1 and 2 are allowable. The taxable portion of the conversion is figured on Form 8606 using the 12/31 balance for the year the conversion is made, not the balance on the date of the conversion. If there is no non Roth IRA balance on 12/31 of that year the conversion will be tax free up to the amount of basis (5,000) from non deductible contributions as reported on Form 8606.

Thanks Alan.  I wanted to be sure I wasn’t missing or overthinking anything.  Appreciate the help!  JB

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