Still working at 70 1/2
Still working at 70 1/2 do I still have to take a Reimbursment from my 401K in December 2013. If so how do I do this? Or can I still work and not take any money out until I quit my job or retire?
Still working at 70 1/2 do I still have to take a Reimbursment from my 401K in December 2013. If so how do I do this? Or can I still work and not take any money out until I quit my job or retire?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2013-06-12 04:48
You are probably asking about RMDs. If you are a 5% or greater owner you must take RMDs, and while few plans have such rules, they are allowed to require all employees to start RMDs at 70.5.