Solo 401(k) and IRA

An individual has a solo 401(k). 1099 income is $30,000 and is his only earned income. He defers $23,000 (he is over age 50) for 2013. Is he able to contribute $6,500 to an IRA for him and $6,500 for his wife to IRAs for 2013? Do you look at the $30,000 as earned income or do you look at the $7,000 of income after the 401(k) contributions to determine the earned income?

His net earnings from SE must be reduced by his 401k contribution and by his SE tax deduction. If he had a Roth option in the soloK he could direct enough of his 23k to the Roth to leave 13k of remaining income for the Roth IRA including spousal.

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