RMD from fiscal year based profit-sharing plan
I will be 70&1/2 on May 4, 2014 and will be taking my first RMD from my profit-sharing plan this calendar year (2014). I rolled my traditional IRA into the plan in 2013 so there will be only the plan to contend with when calculating my RMD amount. The profit-sharing plan uses a fiscal year, ending 6/30/14. Do I use the profit-sharing plan balance as of 12/31/13 or as of 6/30/14 to determine my RMD?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2014-04-04 17:53
You need to determine the 12/31/2013 value of the plan. RMDs are always based on calendar year end values.
Permalink Submitted by Roger Fine on Tue, 2014-04-08 17:04
My profit sharing plan contract administrator insists that the proper valuation date to use for my 2014 RMD is the plan year-end date of 6/30/13. She sites Treasury Reg Sec 1.401(a)(9)-5, Q&A-3(a), which she says confirms her opinion. Can you please review your previous answer that 12/31/13 should be used as the valuation date? Kindly advise.
Permalink Submitted by Roger Fine on Tue, 2014-04-08 17:11
My profit sharing plan contract administrator insists that the proper valuation date to use for my 2014 RMD is the plan year-end date of 6/30/13. She cites Treasury Reg Sec 1.401(a)(9)-5, Q&A-3(a), which she says confirms her opinion. Can you please review your previous answer that 12/31/13 should be used as the valuation date? Kindly advise.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2014-04-08 18:56