Spouse Beneficiary IRA – conversions
In Ed’s book, page 141 2012 edition, he talks about the benefit of the spouse choosing to remain as beneficiary on an inherited IRA from deceased husband primarily being that she could delay RMDs on the account if she is older then decedent.
I’m wondering if there’s another reason to remain as beneficiary given the desire to convert the money. Would the basis, or lack of basis, in the deceased IRA comingle with her own if she rolls it, thus potentially diluting basis in her IRA?
I’m thinking that if she is trying to convert her TD assets and has basis in her IRA, but perhaps not in his, she should remain as bene on his IRA while she converts hers, then roll his to hers if she wanted to?
Can she convert his IRA to Roth while remaining as bene and in so doing, keep their basis’ separate?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2014-05-15 23:34
Permalink Submitted by [email protected] on Fri, 2014-05-16 13:02
ok, thanks. Yes, the idea would be for only a year or two to get her conversion done, then roll his to hers and start over.Best,Mark