new QLAC rules
The August Ed Slott newsletter covers the new Qualifying Longevity Annuity contract(QLAC) rules, but I am still not sure if the rules apply to a Non Spouse Inherited Traditional IRA in the following way. For example, a 60 year person with a 100K Inherited IRA (the person’s only IRA) is currently taking the RMD since it is a Non Spouse Inherited IRA. But can the person invest 25K in a QLAC and have a lower RMD amount in subsequent years?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2014-07-24 20:41
No. A QLAC must be purchased by the IRA owner, or by a surviving spouse who rolls over an inherited IRA. The following is copied from the explanation of the IRS QLAC Regs: