Spouse Rolls over 401k, when does she start taking RMDs and on what amount?
78 year old husband, on leave of absence from work with a 401k, dies in September. If 74 year old wife rollsover the 401k into an IRA to her name, when does she have to take the first RMD? and on what amount?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2014-09-19 17:53
If husband had not been required to take 401k RMDs under the “still working” exception, then he passed prior to his required beginning date for 401k RMDs. As such, the surviving spouse can roll the 401k over without taking a current year 401k RMD. There will also be no IRA RMD on the amount rolled over until the year following the rollover. So if she rolls it over this year, the IRA balance on 12/31/2014 will determine the 2015 IRA RMD.