IRA Dilemma
My wife and I each have regular IRA’s. Mine is 7 figures and hers is 6 figures. I am 77, my wife is 59. For both of us it is a second marriage. We are each other’s primary beneficiary. Her contingents are four nephews and nieces. My contingent is my daughter. Upon my passing, I do not want my IRA rolled into hers for obvious contingent differences.
Is there a way to set things up to honor my concerns? I have a separate trust allowing my wife to access not only income but principal if necessary to provide for her health and well-being. She is in complete agreement with my concerns and wishes.
Any solution?
Thank you.
Permalink Submitted by mk foss on Thu, 2014-10-09 20:34
This is a difficult problem that occurs in second marriages. I can think of two possibilities: