How do I value IRA for RMDs before Dec 31?

I have to withdraw RMD for 2014, how do I value the portfolio of stocks? Seems like the basis is the 2013 Dec 31 value?

Your 2014 RMD is calculated using the 12/31/2013 value. That value is reported to you on Form 5498 or equivalent earlier this year. You can also verify that value by checking your 2013 year end statement. The value on the date you withdraw the RMD does not matter. Note that if you reached 70.5 in 2014, all of part of the 2014 RMD can be deferred to as late as 4/1/2015. If you defer the 2014 RMD, then there will be two RMDs taxable in 2015. This deferral option ONLY applies to the year you reach 70.5, your first RMD distribution year.

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