Notice 2014-54 and NUA Transaction
Trying to ascertain the ability to move After Tax monies directly to a Roth IRA as part of a NUA transaction.
*401(k) Value is $1.4Million
*Separate Accounts total $.4
*Employer Stock total $1M
*Cost Basis of Stock $.4
*After Tax Plan Balance is $55,000
*We will roll the $400,000 of Separate Account Money to the IRA.
*We will deposit the $1,000,000 of employer stock into the client’s Trust account.
*The total tax liability to be reported is the $400,000 of cost basis less the $55,000 of after tax monies for a total of $345,000.
Question: Given the $55,000 of after tax money is reflected in the value of the employer stock is there any way to roll the $55,000 into a Roth IRA (citing notice 2013-54?)
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2014-12-15 19:27