IRA within an annuity and RMD
I may have over invested in 2 GMIB annuities within my IRA. I discovered I will run into an RMD problem in my late 70’s where the required RMD will be greater than my 5% allowed distribution. Am I correct to say I could turn one or both into a Roth to alleviate the problem? Am I correct to say if I annuitize the GMIB’s the IRS allows the distributions within the RMD perimeters? I really don’t understand the difference between taking a straight 5% from the GMIB vs actually anuitizing it?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2016-04-20 18:15
Permalink Submitted by [email protected] on Fri, 2016-04-22 13:05
be aware that conversions of annuities with lifetime income benefits may result in a taxable amount that is greater than the account balance at the time of the conversion. this is because the insurance company will compute a value of the lifetime guaranteed income benefit.