401k Plan Beneficiaries
I want to confirm that if an individual does NOT name a 401k Plan beneficiary, such asset would be required to be withdrawn within 5 years (Federal law). If married, spouse must be the primary beneficiary (unless a waiver is signed); however, in the above instance the spouse must withdraw the funds within 5 years. If the spouse is NOT named the primary beneficiary, what happens to the individual deceased’s 401k – e.g. does it remain and the spouse has the right to take distributions over up to 5 years as the beneficiary (by notifying the Plan Trustee of such)? Does the 401k Plan asset flow thru/get paid to the spouse thru the estate, potentially subjecting the asset to creditor claims and possible tax liens/tax waivers required for the asset to be transferred to the spouse?
Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2016-04-21 16:51