Individual K Changes Due to Employee
I have a client who has an Individual K plan that she established in 1/1/2014 for her company and has been the only participant. On August 1, 2016, she will bring on her first employee. Based upon the Individual K provisions, an employee will need to complete 1 year of service before being able to participate in the company retirement plan. Can she as the owner, since the employee will not be eligible until 8/1/2017, make contributions and profit sharing contributions to her Individual K plan for the 2016 plan year? Or because she will have an employee in 2016, does she need to not make any contributions into her Individual K plan for 2016 and start a traditional or Safe Harbor 401k for 2016 even though the employee is NOT eligible until 2017? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2016-07-20 00:37
Apparently, the solo K can be continued until the employee becomes eligible to enter the plan. From DWC Erisa Consultants:
Permalink Submitted by Todd Martin on Wed, 2016-07-20 01:04
That is good news! Thank you as always alan for your expertise. I appreciate the assistance.