Basis Isolation in RMD year
So, client has a $150,000 TIRA and turned 70 1/2 this year. RBD is 4/1 next year. TIRA has 75,000 basis in it. We want to isolate the basis by converting the basis to Roth and transferring the balance to his qplan by end of year. I understand he must take his RMD first. Is that correct? RMD is $5,000. So, if we take the RMD, it will be subject to pro-rata formula. How do we do that and then update the remaining basis so that we then convert the basis and move the remainder via transfer to the qplan? Seems the 8606 lumps it all together and would pro-rate even the conversion amount. I know you can’t send after-tax to the qplan, but am confused on how to accomplish this. thanks, -m
Permalink Submitted by [email protected] on Fri, 2016-09-09 13:51
I got it. The trick is to reduce the basis by the RMD and convert that reduced basis amount, effectively making the RMD tax free as well. Get less into the Roth but still works. – m
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Sat, 2016-09-10 00:47