Any “Gotchas” to be aware of in inheritances?
Recent estate planning and life insurance analysis got me thinking that my wife and I may be able to self-insure, based on the current values of our brokerage accounts, IRAs, and 401(k)s. But it sparked a thought: am I missing any subtleties in the actual mechanics of the inheritance and retitling of assets, etc?
If I (age 38 this year) pass and everything goes to my wife (age 36 this year), I’m assuming joint accounts will be easy for her to handle, since her name’s already on the account. But what about individual checking and brokerage accounts (we use a “his, hers, and ours” financial system in our household)? In particular, I thought stock I own gets a step-up/step-down in basis when passed on to my wife, but I’ve also read that the IRS assumes my wife co-owned the equities in my individual brokerage account? That would be incorrect; I own my individual accounts individually, just as she owns her individual accounts individually. Any “surprises” in there that I need to start digging into now?
And as for the IRAs and 401(k)s, the tentative plan would be to roll the 401(k)s into the IRAs, and then let the inheriting spouse treat the IRA as if he/she owned it all along after the first spouse passes. I think this gives the greatest flexibility, right? But what if she needed to tap funds in the Roth inherited from me? Does she use my contribution/gain/loss records to show that she’s first tapping the contributions tax-free before worrying about needing to pay taxes and/or penalties on gains before turning 59.5?
Any other surprises, particularly from the “his, hers, and ours” approach to personal finances?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2016-10-07 04:24
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Fri, 2016-10-07 13:04
When the inherited Roth IRA is rolled or transferred to the surviving spouse’s own Roth IRA, doesn’t CFR 1.408A-6 Q&A-7(b) indicate that the surviving spouse’s new beginning date would be the earlier of the deceased spouse’s beginning date and the surviving spouse’s original beginning date (if any)? Is that what you meant?
Permalink Submitted by Amar Patel on Fri, 2016-10-07 18:08
Maybe providing more detail would be helpful: