IRA held for grandkids’ HEMS until 25
Upon Graddad’s death, his rev living grantor’s trustee is to hold granddad’s traditional IRA for his grandkids’ HEMS until 25.
Can the trustee distribute the RMDs to a UTMA/UTMG account and then have the grandkid’s parents manage that account until age of majority? Would that avoid any trust tax rate for accumulated income?
Permalink Submitted by Bruce Steiner on Wed, 2016-10-26 03:35
Permalink Submitted by sheriff naggar on Wed, 2016-10-26 16:14
Thank you Mr. Steiner,So the answer is “no” on whether trustee can distribute to UTGA accoutn and “yes” on whether there will be a tax on the RMD if it’s distributed into a UTGA account.