Roth Conversions
I am 66 years old. I converted 20% of my TIRA in an annuity to a Roth this year and plan to convert 20% each year for 5 years. When will I be able to withdraw my contributions and or interest? Do I have to wait 5 years? If so, when does the 5 years start? Is it a factor that I am over 59 1/2?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2017-02-08 23:51
Assuming that these conversions are your first Roth contributions, you can withdraw the amount you converted any time you wish without tax or penalty. But any earnings on the conversions will be taxed if withdrawn before 5 years from the year of the first Roth conversion. The entire balance of the Roth becomes tax free 1/1/2022 since the 5 year holding period starts 1/1/2017. Meanwhile, any earnings would come out last, only after you withdraw all the conversion money tax and penalty free. You can see that you have tax free access to almost the entire Roth balance from Day 1 since you will have very little in earnings the first couple years.
Permalink Submitted by Steve Hagedorn on Thu, 2017-02-09 02:18
Consider this: