Inherited IRA Mess
I have quite an unusual situation with my BDA IRA. I inherited an IRA from my Mom who died when I was 9 years old (she was 35). At the time no one told me anything about the account. I found out that I had an account when I was 18 years old, but the only information I received was from my Dad who said I couldn’t touch my IRA until I 59.5. So I did what any naive 18 year old would do and forgot about the account.
Now I am 29 and I just got word that I should have been taking out MRD’s since I was 10 years old or had the entire amount removed from the account and closed by the time I was 14. Now at the time no one told me about it, and of course none of it has been done. I am trying to figure out the best option from here to be able to receive the money and not have the 50% tax on the amount. The amount in the account is not enough to hike me to a different tax bracket so I am not worried about that, but I am worried about having to fill out 19 years of 5329. I did call Fidelity to get all of the year to dates from 1997 to 2012 (which are the years I do not have access for from their website).
In all I am looking for some good advice to get this moving in the right direction
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Sat, 2017-04-01 15:14