8606 Deceased’s Final Return

In filing Final Return for Deceased, on the 8606, (being filed w/deceased’s final return) I believe just the deceased’s name and the word (Deceased) is written —but just in the name fields, is that right? Nothing needs to be written across the top of the 8606 does it? Thank you.

  • Not unless the return includes more than one 8606, for example if distributions are taken by the decedent from an inherited IRA with basis, and also from their own IRA with basis.
  • For an 8606 filed for decedent’s year of death, the line 6 value of all IRAs must be based on the value on the date fo death, not at year end. This rule is not stated in the 8606 Inst, but is stated in Pub 590 B. Only the beneficiarys basis calculation is based on year end.

Thank you. I didn’t realize that the line 6 value was based on value at date of death.

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