TSP TIRA and Vanguard TIRA to Roth IRA question

My nephew was in the Military and contributed to a TSP TIRA and a TSP Roth IRA. Last year, I helped him fund a TIRA outside of the TSP with Vanguard. I would like to help him convert his Vanguard’s TIRA funds to a Vanguard Roth IRA. My understanding of the TSP is that it is like a 401K for government employees. Can he convert his Vanguard TIRA without considering his TSP TIRA? Or must the conversion be done pro-rata including all of his TIRA funds? Thank you. Frank

Miiltary (Uniformed) TSP is NOT an IRA.  So, unless you are using TSP in a different manner, there should be no issue with his Uniformed TSP being part of any calculation of Traditional IRA conversions to Roth IRAs.  The conversion will need to consider ALL of his TIRA accounts, but Uniformed TSP is not an IRA.

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