Title of an inherited Roth IRA
My brother, sister and myself inherited a Roth IRA from my father who died in Jan 2018.
My father had inherited this same Roth from our oldest brother who died September 2017.
So for us three it is an “inherited, inherited Roth IRA.”
The account was a trustee to trustee transfer at Vanguard.
Vanguard has registered/titled it in this manner:
(MY Name)
BENEF (older brother’s name who died in Sept 2017)
1. Is the registration correct? Since we actually inherited the Roth from my father not my brother?
2. Am I correct that we three siblings will take an RMD in 2018 based on My father’s age at death from the single life expectancy table?
Thank you for your help.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2018-05-11 20:51