Young widow inheriting husband’s 401k
I have a 38 year old female client whose spouse of the same age passed away about 8 months ago. There are no children and she is the sole beneficiary of his employer 401k held at Fidelity. We would like to know if she has any options in the unlikely event that she should need access to some of this money prior to age 59 ½ without having to pay the 10% early distribution penalty.
1. Would this penalty be avoided if she were to establish an Inherited Spousal IRA account at Pershing and do a trustee to trustee direct rollover? If so, is there precise wording that needs to be used and does the deceased’s name need to appear in the registration? In other words, how exactly should the registration read or be titled?
2. If the Inherited Spousal IRA were to work, does it carry the same creditor/bankruptcy protections that a TIRA carries?
3. If an Inherited Spousal IRA were to be established, and in the event it does not afford some of the same protections, can some of the Inherited Spousal IRA account monies be transferred shortly thereafter and prior to the account being funded, to a TIRA or possibly two separate TIRA’s under her own name? If so, does the once every 365 day rule come into play?
4. My understanding is that neither of these two plans would require RMD’s until age 70 ½, correct?
5. How do these two plans differ as to what options beneficiaries would have in receiving death proceeds?
Any other options or insight you can provide as to this situation would be greatly appreciated.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2018-05-15 19:05