Estate is Beneficiary of Thrift Savings Plan Retirement Assets
Tom was single with no children – he died at age 68. He named his parents as beneficiaries of his Thrift Savings Plan retirement account. Tom’s parents died before he died. No contingent beneficiaries were named. Tom’s estate is the beneficiary of his Thrift Savings Plan. Tom’s 3 siblings are beneficiaries of his estate. What options are available when the retirement assets are paid to the estate? Can the assets be rolled over, or transferred to an Inherited IRA set up in the name of the estate? If so, can the estate then roll over, or transfer the assets to separate Inherited IRA’s for each of the estate beneficiaries? They in turn distribute all the assets in their accounts over the next 5 years? Or, does the estate simply receive the retirement assets and distribute them to each beneficiary with the beneficiaries reporting and paying tax on the money? They don’t want to keep the estate open very long. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2018-06-29 23:45