RMD @ RBD (2019) vs. 2018
Client attained age 71 in September of 2018, which means 70 1/2 in March of 2018.
RBD is April 1 of 2019.
Client also is more than a 5% owner with a Qualified Plan.
Client took the Qualified Plan RMD in 2018, but would like to defer the IRA RMD until 2019, now that he has decided to retire in 2019.
Question: Can the client defer the Traditional IRA RMD to 2019 (by taking 2 Traditional IRA RMDs in 2019) even though the Client took the Qualified Plan RMD in 2018
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Fri, 2018-12-21 23:32
Yes, for any particular account RMD in the first RMD distribution year, the taxpayer can defer none, all, or part of the first distribution year RMD to as late as 4/1 of the following year.