Simple IRA plan requirements
If and S corp employer has 7 full time employees including the sole owner and 1 part time employee, All under age 50
Company income before tax is about $400,000 after deducting $152,000 salary to owner. Employees’ salaries
excluding owner, range between $ 30,000 and $75,000; part timer employee about $ 18,000
What are the requirements for 2018 and 2019 and contribution limits for both the employer and employee:
1. Minimum employer has to contribute/match
2. Maximum employer could contribute/match
3. Minimum requirements to provide Simple IRA in terms of:
minimum age of participants; minimum time of service; minimum wages; minimum hours worked
4. Latest date plan can be established for 2018, for 2019? No other plans
5. Can S corp establish a Simple IRA and a 401k
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Sat, 2018-12-22 23:44